View Your System’s Network Information
Type ‘ipconfig /all’ to view all the vital network information of your system.
Type ‘ipconfig /all’ to view all the vital network information of your system.
UP & DOWN arrow keys can be used to get previously typed commands. Hitting repeatedly, cycles among all the commands typed in ascending & descending order respectively.RIGHT arrow key gets …
Enter partial file or folder name, and hit TAB repeatedly to cycle through all the file/folder names starting with what you have typed. Hit ‘Enter’ to accept it. Same can …
Use ‘nslookup’ command to view the IP address of any website. Use command ‘nslookup <sitename>’ to get the IP address of that site.e.g. – nslookup
Excel of Microsoft Office has a very powerful feature of creating drop downs. Benefits: Validation of data, as wrong data can’t be entered Faster data entry In this blog we …
Excel of Microsoft Office has a very powerful feature of creating drop downs. Benefits: Validation of data, as wrong data can’t be entered Faster data entry In this blog we …
In today’s systems (desktop/laptop) the bulk storage device for most systems is still the magnetic disk or the hard disk. It being low cost and efficient mass storage device. The …
Many system apps and other custom installed apps are configured to auto start every time windows starts. Some of them are not used by us or used very rarely. They …
The function keys (F keys) are at the top of the keyboard and marked from F1 through F12. These keys act as shortcut for most frequently performed task in context of the running …
Auto save file while switching between applications. When ever Sublime Editor or IDE looses focus; it automatically saves the content of the file. This saves lots of time and effort …