- Create a batch file using any editor. <filename.bat>
- Copy paste following commands depending upon – whether to change case of only the files in this folder or the child folders as well.
- Each line is for a specific file type; may add other extensions as per your requirement.
- Save the file and double click to run in the desired folder.
Change file extension to lower case – for files in this folder only
REN *.PNG *.png
# Rename JPG/PNG files extension (may add other depending upon your requirement)
REN *.JPG *.jpg
Change file extension to lower case – for files in this folder and all the child folders as well
FOR /R %%G IN (.JPG) DO REN “%%G” “%%~nG.jpg”
# Rename JPG/PNG files extension (may add other depending upon your requirement)
FOR /R %%G IN (.PNG) DO REN “%%G” “%%~nG.png”