Directory Listing
To CLEAR the screen
LiSt all files & folders
ls -l
LiSt all files & folders with detaiLs
cd < folder >
Change Directory or folder
cd ..
Change to parent Directory
cat < filename >
View content of a file
File and Folder
mkdir < folder >
MaKe or create a new folder or DIRectory
rm < folder / file >
ReMove or delete the folder or file
rm -r < folder >
Recursively ReMove or delete all files and folders under it the given folder
rm -f < folder >
ReMove folder Forcefully without prompting for confirmation
mv < old_name > < new_name >
MoVe or rename a file or folder
cp < fource_file_name > < destination_folder_name >
CoPy a file
zip -r < filename >.zip < folder_name >
ZIP folder and it’s files Recursively
unzip < filename >.zip
UNZIP or extract contents of a zipped file
unzip -o < filename >.zip
UNZIP and Overwrite existing files without prompting
NANO editor | better than VI editor
nano < filename >
Create a new file or Open an existing file
Ctrl + W
Search text within the file
Ctrl + \
Search & Replace text
Ctrl + X
Exit editor
Permission | Power User | Admin Commands
sudo < command >
run each command as root user
sudo -i
Turn on root user to run all following commands as root user
cat /etc/passwd
List all users
adduser < user_name >
Add a new user
userdel < user_name >
Delete a user
userdel -r < user_name >
Delete user along with user’s home directory
chmod -R < xxx > < filename >
Change file or folder permission (Recursively)
‘X’ is the permission value
cat /etc/group
View all groups
groupadd < group >
Add or create a new group
groups < user >
View the groups the user is a member of
chgrp < group > < filename >
CHange GRouP of a file for folder
usermod -a -G < group > < user >
Add user to a group
chown -R < user_name >:< group_name > < filename >
CHange OWNer and Group of file or folder (Recursively)
View WHO all are currently logged-in